After a crazy 2020 especially for the wildlife of NSW Westleigh Village has adopted a KOALA via the Koala Hospital Port Macquarie. Meet ZENANI

A bit about Zenani:

In late spring 2013 weather conditions in NSW were so hot, dry and windy – catastrophic bushfires broke out all up and down the east coast. One very big fire just north of Newcastle was sadly a hot spot for wildlife many of whom did not make it but many animals were certainly saved.

Wildlife search and rescue teams working on the Williamtown Airforce Base fires came across a very small female joey koala who had suffered severe burns and was still alive.

The rescuers called her Zenani. Zenani was taken to a local veterinarian for her initial treatment and later was transferred into a private home for 24 hour nursing.

Zenani was very ill for a number of weeks and had to undergo painful burns treatments on a daily basis. She slowly began to respond to care but was not progressing as well as expected. Zenani was transferred up to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital three weeks after she was initially rescued for more intensive treatment. She is now a permanent resident at the Koala Hospital.